Vet Visits, They Don’t Have To Be Scary

Elke had her annual checkup at the vets yesterday and by doing some very simple things we were able to make her visit less stressful and even a bit enjoyable. Our veterinarian is part of a Fear Free practice (Thank you Animal Hospital of North Asheville) and completely embraces a cooperative care approach that allows the animals to have choices and dictate at which pace we will move through the visit. Fear Free is a relatively new program developed by veterinarians and pet experts with a mission to prevent and alleviate fear, anxiety, and stress in pets by inspiring and educating the people who care for them. 

In the photo, you see that there is a comfortable mat for Elke to use, having a soft spot to rest on is so much nicer for dogs than just having the cold, hard floors. She was a bit nervous so we created a treat search for her by hiding treats in the blanket and Kong. It is one of her favorite things to do and sniffing is an activity that we know helps calm dogs. During the actual exam, all of us (veterinarian, veterinarian technician and myself) gave her treats each time a new body part was examined. While Elke does not love going to the veterinarian's office, using cooperative care and the Fear Free method, she was able to relax and have a calm visit.

If you are lucky enough to have a Fear Free practice in your area, I highly recommend using it. If you do not, there are still simple things you can do to help your dogs (and cats) have less stressful vet visits. Have a look at for some free suggestions. #fearfreerocks, #fearfreetrainer, #cooperativecareforthewin, #letthemsniff


It Is Time


Confessions from a Type A Dog Mom on Learning How to Do Sniffing Walks with Her Dogs